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Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Micro Lesson 1 Instructional Decision Making

1. Instructional Decisions/Teaching:
  • What you did and learned from the teaching/facilitating process?
    • I think the thing that I learned the most was the value of time. Time management can be one of the biggest struggles in the implementation of a lesson. It is difficult to plan how a child will react to an activity and whether they will finish early or need a time extension. 
  • How alignment to goals and objectives was maintained?
    • Alignment of goals and objective were maintained through constant checking for understanding and observing the students reactions to tasks whether they struggled or not. The assessment was the conclusion of how student reacted to the lesson implementation and materials. Implementation of content was centered on the lesson content.
  • What modifications made for individual need?
    •  Modifications were made mainly through the use of assistive technology devices. Many of these modifications were built into the hardware and software of the computer itself. All student were provided with their own print or digital copy of work dependant upon the students needs.

1 comment:

  1. I think that time management is one of the most difficult aspects of lesson design. We want to make sure that our students have enough time to be thoughtful about the work that they are completing, but not give them to much time because this will lead to misbehavior and loss of time for future instruction. It's a fine line, but one that you will become more comfortable with over time.
